Directed, Animated and Produced by: Jane Wu
3D Modeling by: Jane Wu and Kitbash 3D
Hair VFX: Alec Iselin
Music: Full Tilt - Across the Multiverse
Softwares used: Cinema 4D, After Effects, Red Shift
Created as part of CGMA assignment for Motion Graphics training in Cinema 4d under Nik Hill and rendering in Red Shift taught by Alec Iselin.
Battle Angel Alita is a graphic novel that inspired me greatly as an artist and I wanted to re-imagine it as a motion graphics piece.
It takes place in a dystopian future, mostly revolving around two places—Tiphares and the Scrapyard. The shots of the Scrapyard showcases the desolate and hopeless feeling of a wasteland meanwhile Tiphares is towering overhead, a promised utopia. Yukito Kishiro, the creator, explores the ideas of human society and their relationship with technology. He references historical philosophies, religion, scientific advancements and human psychology. With that, he creates speculative theories of how it manifests into exploitations and play out its consequences.
Alita, our main character, is found in this Scrapyard and is rebuilt with a cyborg body. She finds she has no recollection of her memory but has an inexplicable power and amazing fighting abilities. She is fiercely independent and doesn’t flinch to help the ones she cares about.
It was very inspiring to see a female lead role with a compelling story who has motivations, flaws, concerns, and a heart.